5 Wooden House Design Ideas

Wooden cabins have always been in style for ages. Along with being aesthetic, wooden houses offer strong resistance to the weather and offer a unique living experience. Wooden dwellings are affordable and show great flexibility in design.

 We have enlisted these stunning ideas for you to incorporate in your next wooden abode.

1. Go for Gabled Roof

Classical gable roof looks exotic and serves extra space for a room. With longer gables, the attic space can be used for an extra room. Imagine having a bedroom in the attic with a skylight, magnificent, isn’t it?

On the other hand, you can also opt for a vaulted ceiling; floor to peak elongated ceiling for the house. 

gabled roof wooden house 1
Picture Courtesy – Jacob Campbell

2. Economic Shed Roof

Another great way to shelter your wooden cottage is by providing a shed roof. This slanted roof is cheaper and easier to maintain. You can opt for a stepped slanted ceiling if the cover area is larger for the house.

Economic Shed Roof
Picture Courtesy – Shrist-Eliezer-Bouboue

3. Modernist Rectangular Shells

Elongated rectangular wooden houses offer a modern, minimalistic look. They are super affordable and versatile. These are usually single-storeyed and could be extended from the bottom to create a platform for sitting.

Incorporating large windows with almost negligible walls make the design style super chic and contemporary. 

Modernist Rectangular Shells
Picture Courtesy – Taylor Simpson

4. Box Shaped Wooden Lodge

Simple box-shaped wooden houses are eco-friendly and cost much less. These work really well if you are dealing with smaller areas.

The height of the boxes can be extended to multiple floors to utilize the vertical area. When installed with large, open windows, these compact houses look absolutely stunning!

Box Shaped Wooden Lodge
Picture Courtesy – Jackari Ward

5. Experiment with the Shape and Size

Wood is one of the most adaptable and resourceful materials available today. Express your creativity in designing a uniquely structured wooden house. It could be a bent circular shape or even a treehouse. 

Shape and Size
Picture Courtesy – les-routes-sans-fin

Wooden house designs are infinite! You can easily create a wooden retreat of your dreams using these awesome ideas

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